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11 May 2020

Making A Will

Wills & Probate

Dying Matters Week – the excuse we need to talk about making a Will

We know that there is never a good time to talk about making a Will. It’s a sensitive subject and one that no-one likes to think about, particularly during these worrying times when we are all surrounded by daily news about illness and death.

But this week is Dying Matters Week. Not the cheeriest of awareness weeks, admittedly, but we fully support the thinking behind the initiative, which began in 2008 to encourage and help people talk more openly about dying, death and bereavement and to make plans for the end of life.

The organisers hope that by changing the way that society views dying and death, the quality and range of support and services available to patients and families will improve.

At Harding Evans, we certainly believe that it’s better to talk about and plan for your death than pretending that it’s never going to happen. No-one knows what will happen in the future but by being prepared and having a Will in place, you can make sure your loved ones are provided for after you’ve gone and that your wishes around your estate, your possessions and your dependants are carried out, should the worst happen.

So, since we want to help people and reassure them in these worrying times when we all seem to be more aware of our own mortality, we have compiled a list of some of the most common misconceptions around writing a Will to hopefully put some minds at rest:

  1. “You only need a Will if you are rich and elderly.”

False. None of us know what’s around the corner and making a Will gives you peace of mind, knowing that your final wishes will be carried out and your loved ones will be provided for as you intend.

  1. “Partners are automatically entitled to your assets”

False. Without a Will, your spouse or civil partner won’t automatically inherit everything. The law is complex and if you have any children or other family members, this will affect how much, if any, of your assets get left to your partner. Creating a Will can make sure that anyone you love will be provided for as you wish.

  1. “Your debts are written off when you die”

False. It’s often assumed that any debts a person has built up will become void if they die. However, this is far from the case, as they need to be paid from a person’s estate before any inheritance can be passed on to friends, family and benefactors. Something to keep in mind when dividing your assets.

  1. “Writing a Will is an arduous, expensive task”

False. Starting the process of writing a Will can be completed in the time it takes to have lunch. It all starts with a call or email to a solicitor who’ll be happy to help every step of the way. Here at Harding Evans, we aim to complete the whole process within seven days.

  1. “Only wealthy people leave gifts in Wills”

False. Just because a person doesn’t have an enormous amount to leave to a charity in their Will, it doesn’t mean that they can’t make a difference. Many charities and organisations rely on gifts to continue their vital work and they can give you free advice of how to leave a gift in your Will.

Hopefully busting those myths about writing a Will has increased your knowledge and laid some concerns to rest. If you have any other questions that you want answering, then drop us an email at hello@Hevans.com and our expert team will be happy to help.

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