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Cauda Equina Syndrome Compensation


Have you or a family member been diagnosed with Cauda Equina Syndrome?

Cauda Equina syndrome is a serious spinal disorder, presenting with very few distinct “red flag” symptoms that are especially serious. These symptoms consist of:

● Numbness in the lower part of the spine and also what is called ”saddle anaesthesia”, which is basically numbness in any area which would be touching a saddle if you were sitting on a horse.
● Urinary and/or bowel problems/continence
● Motor weakness in the presence of back pain


Cauda Equina Syndrome Claims

Cauda Equina syndrome is an orthopaedic emergency and can lead to distressing permanent problems such as foot drop, back and leg pain, along with bladder and/or bowel dysfunction if treatment is delayed. You can find out more about cauda equina syndrome here.

If you have recently been diagnosed with cauda equina syndrome and have been left with problems after a delay in treatment, you may be entitled to claim compensation.

We have an experienced team of solicitors who have dealt with numerous cases of cauda equina syndrome before. We also have a register of experienced Accident & Emergency experts, orthopaedic surgeons and spinal neurosurgeons on hand whom we can approach to comment upon the standard of care you received whilst in hospital and whether cauda equina syndrome claims are qualified.


Get in touch:

Where there has been a suspicion of sub-standard medical care relating to patients with Cauda Equina syndrome, there may be valid grounds to make a claim.

Our team of experienced and sympathetic clinical negligence solicitors can help support and guide you and your family through the investigation process, helping you to establish if you’re eligible for cauda equina syndrome compensation.

To establish whether a claim is possible, please contact us today.

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