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Drafting and Varying Contracts of Employment


A practical approach that keeps your business protected

Defects in contracts of employment can lead to costly and time consuming disputes. Our solicitors recognise that every business has different needs, so it is important to protect yours by having employment contracts that are not only up-to-date but that are also relevant to your business.

Our employment solicitors can provide your company with practical legal assistance on a multitude of employer contract matters, including:

  • Making sure that contracts of employment are worded properly, and that terms and conditions are clear
  • Ensuring that contracts offer you proper protection as an employer
  • Amending contracts to minimise any risk of a dispute arising and a claim being made against your company
  • Helping you define specific contractual terms such as bonuses, garden leave and restrictive covenants
  • Drafting policies and procedures relevant to your business
  • The introduction of new terms and conditions of employment or proposals such as varying hours and/or rates of pay

Get in touch with our expert team today.

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