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Employee Grievances Solicitors

Disciplinary Hearings, Dismissals and Employee Grievances - Avoiding Costly, Lengthy Disputes

Employee grievances are an unavoidable aspect of running a business, but as an employer, there are ways to make sure that you manage disputes well.

Grievances can arise out of many issues – from poor performance, high levels of absence, overwork and stress to allegations of harassment, bullying, and discrimination.

As an employer it can be difficult to agree how to deal with a dispute. There are often a number of options to consider that offer possible solutions:

  • Investigation
  • Negotiation
  • Arbitration
  • Mediation
  • Tribunal
  • Court

Our team of solicitors in Cardiff and Newport can help you make sure your decisions regarding employee grievances are sound and informed, so that your company avoids getting involved in any unnecessarily lengthy and costly disputes.

Get in touch with our employee grievance solicitors today.

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