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10 Jul 2018

Lasting Power of Attorney

Wills & Probate

‘Dementia Crisis’ – The importance of a Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA)

In the UK, 1 in 6 people over the age of 80 are suffering with the devastating effects of dementia. Far too many of us are leaving our future to chance, not wishing to think and plan ahead should care and assistance be required.

Should there come a time when you are unable to make your own decisions, it may be required that someone else has to make decisions for you.

A lasting power of attorney (LPA) is a legal document that gives you (the ‘donor’) the opportunity to plan ahead. It allows you to make decisions now, such as appointing one or more persons (known as ‘attorneys’) to make decisions on your behalf when you may not have the capacity to do so.

There are two types of LPA:

  •  An LPA for property and financial decisions. This type of LPA gives an attorney the power to make decisions about money and property for you, for example managing bank accounts, paying bills, collecting benefits and selling your home. With your permission, this LPA can be used as soon as it is registered.
  • An LPA for health and welfare decisions. This type of LPA gives an attorney the power to make decisions about your daily routine e.g. washing/dressing/eating, also medical care and where you are to live. You can also give special permission for your attorneys to be able to make decisions about life sustaining treatment for you. This includes care, surgery, medicine or other help from doctors. This type of LPA can only be used when you are unable to make your own decisions.

Provided you are aged 18 years or over and have the mental capacity (the ability to make your own decisions) you can arrange to have an LPA set up.

Putting an LPA in place will give you the peace of mind that someone you trust is in charge of your affairs and care.

For more information on LPAs, please contact our Wills & Probate team on 01633 244233, jane.chesterman@hevans.com, or fill out the form below and we’ll get in touch ASAP.

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