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02 Apr 2024


What is the new Carer’s Leave Regulation?

April 2024 will see the UK step into a new era of workplace inclusivity, with the Carer’s Leave Regulations 2024 set to make a significant impact on the lives of employees with caring responsibilities.

Enacted to provide much-needed respite, these regulations will grant eligible individuals the entitlement to one week of unpaid carer’s leave within any 12 months, starting from April 6, 2024.

Why is this new regulation being introduced?

Caring responsibilities can be both emotionally and physically demanding, often requiring individuals to balance work commitments with the essential task of providing care to loved ones. Recognising the importance of fostering a supporting work environment, the Carer’s Leave Regulations aim to address this delicate balance by allowing employees to take dedicated time off to fulfil their caregiving duties.

Key Points of the Carer’s Leave Regulations 2024

  1. Entitlement to Leave

Eligible employees will have the right to take up to one week of unpaid carer’s leave within a rolling 12-month period. This time off is intended to offer flexibility and support during critical moments when caregiving responsibilities are particularly demanding.

  1. Notice Period

To ensure smooth workflow management, employees are encouraged to provide reasonable notice to their employers before taking carer’s leave. This allows employers to make necessary arrangements to cover the employee’s responsibilities during their absence.

  1. Certification of Need

Employers may request reasonable evidence to verify the need for carer’s leave, such as a doctor’s note or a statement outlining the caregiving responsibilities. This process ensures that the leave is utilised for genuine caregiving needs.

  1. Protection from Discrimination

Employees taking advantage of carer’s leave are protected from any form of discrimination or unfavourable treatment. Employers are mandated to respect and uphold the rights of individuals utilising this entitlement.

  1. Impact on Employee Benefits

Employees must be aware of the potential impact on their benefits during the period of unpaid carer’s leave. Employers are encouraged to provide transparent information on how this leave may affect salary, pension contributions, and other benefits.

The introduction of the Carer’s Leave Regulations 2024 is a significant step towards creating workplaces that prioritise the well-being of their employees. By acknowledging the diverse needs of the workforce, these regulations foster a culture of compassion and understanding.

Employers are encouraged to communicate the details of the Carer’s Leave Regulations to their staff, ensuring that everyone is aware of their rights and responsibilities. Providing resources and support for caregivers can further enhance the positive impact of these regulations on both individuals and the workplace.

How We Can Help

Our experienced employment team can help with implementing new regulations and laws in your workplace and practices. Contact us today.

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