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18 Oct 2023



International Pronouns Day: Why Pronouns Are Important in the Workplace

Every year, on the third Wednesday of October, International Pronouns Day is celebrated to raise awareness about the significance of pronouns in our lives. In this blog, we will explore why pronouns are important in the professional world and how using them correctly can create a more diverse and accepting work environment.

While pronouns may seem like a small and inconsequential part of our language, they play a crucial role in fostering inclusivity and respect, especially in the workplace.

  1. Fostering Inclusivity

In today’s globalised workforce, diversity and inclusion are not just buzzwords but essential components of a thriving workplace. Using correct pronouns is a simple yet powerful way to foster inclusivity. By respecting and acknowledging people’s preferred pronouns, create an environment where individuals of all gender identities and expressions feel valued and welcomed.

  1. Respect and Dignity

Using the correct pronouns demonstrates respect and dignity towards your colleagues and employees. Misgendering someone can lead to discomfort, frustration, and, in severe cases, emotional distress. To create a respectful and harmonious workplace, it is important to get pronouns right.

  1. Legal and Ethical Considerations

In the UK, there is currently no specific law that means it is illegal to misgender someone in the workplace. However, the UK has strong anti-discrimination laws, such as the Equality Act 2010, which makes it illegal to discriminate against someone based on certain protected characteristics. Misgendering or referring to someone using incorrect pronouns, or their previous gender identity can be considered discrimination under the Equality Act if it leads to adverse treatment or a hostile environment. This means that employers have a legal obligation to provide a workplace free from discrimination based on a person’s gender identity. By embracing pronoun awareness and respecting employees’ gender identities, organisations align with legal and ethical standards.

  1. Better Communication

Using the right pronouns contributes to effective communication. It helps in clear and accurate references to individuals during meetings, discussions, or project collaborations.

  1. Employee Well-being

When employees feel seen, heard, and respected, their well-being improves. Happy employees are more productive, innovative, and loyal. Creating a workplace where pronouns are acknowledged positively impacts the mental and emotional health of employees.

  1. Encouraging Learning and Growth

For many people, pronouns and gender identity can be an unfamiliar territory. By embracing pronoun awareness, organisations create opportunities for education and growth among their employees. This learning not only benefits individuals but also fosters a culture of continuous improvement.

International Pronoun Day is a reminder that pronouns are essential in the workplace, and beyond. They contribute to inclusivity, respect, legal compliance, and better communication. By celebrating this day and embracing pronoun awareness, organisations can create a more diverse, inclusive, and harmonious work environment.

How We Can Help

At Harding Evans, we are proud to stand by the side of the LGBTQ+ communities across South Wales and beyond.

For more support on LGBTQ+ legal advice, please contact us today. Alternatively, you can check out our related blogs on how to support LGBTQ+ in the workplace, what is the gender recognition certificate process? or what is sexual orientation discrimination at work?.




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