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09 Dec 2021


Haven’t Written a Will: Here Are Four Reasons Why You Should

Writing a will is one of the best ways to provide security for your family and maintain control over your assets. As a legally binding document, not only do they prepare for the future but without one, there is no promise that your wishes will be fulfilled in the eyes of the law. However, by making the right legal step you can safeguard your assets.

Writing a will is one of the best ways to provide security for your family and maintain control over your assets. As a legally binding document, not only do they prepare for the future but without one, there is no promise that your wishes will be fulfilled in the eyes of the law. However, by making the right legal step you can safeguard your assets.

Here are four important reasons why you should write a will.

Give your children security

If you have children under 18 then you must have an arrangement in place if you pass away. In your will you can include a named guardian(s) to look after your children when you are no longer here – of course, this needs to be discussed with them beforehand. Without a will you cannot be sure that your children will be cared for by the people you want.

Choose how your assets are distributed

Assets are your belongings that have monetary value such as properties, cars, savings in a bank account, jewellery and more. Including these in your will means that you can decide who inherits them whether that’s family or friends, however, in the event that you do not have a will this will be decided in the eyes of the law.

Create less stress for your loved ones

Going through probate court can be incredibly time consuming and stressful as assets cannot be sold or distributed until a named administrator is named by the court. On the other hand, when you have a will written you can avoid these complications so your loved ones have a smoother transition and fewer problems occur.

Reduce the inheritance tax

Inheritance tax can quickly add up but writing a will can reduce the tax payable so your loved ones get a bigger cut. With help from a professional legal team, you can create a much better financial position for your loved ones so they have one less thing to worry about.

At Harding Evans Solicitors, our professional legal team can help you write a will. It’s never too early to think about preparing a will especially if you have children and want more control over how your assets are distributed once you’re gone. Make an appointment with our expert team today and let us help.

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